Registered Valuers
Human Rights Policy
George Pragnell Limited
13th July 2023
George Pragnell Limited is a sixth-generation luxury jewellers. This policy confirms our commitment to respect the fundamental rights and freedoms in accordance with The Human Rights Act 1998. Our support for these fundamental principles is reflected in our policies and practices regarding employees, suppliers, customers, and the areas in which we operate.
Our Employees
We believe that our employees should be treated with respect and dignity and work in an environment that is free from harassment and unlawful discrimination. Our commitment to respect human rights is manifested in our Employee Handbook and HR Policies and procedures, specifically:
• We will not make use of any forced labour or debt-bondage labour in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
• We will not discriminate against any person based on their protected characteristics and will uphold Article 14 of the Human Rights Act 1998 in respect of protection from discrimination.
• Any disciplinary matter will be dealt with through formal procedures detailed in the Employee Handbook.
• Working time directives will be adhered to as per the Working Time Regulations 1998 with opt-out clauses publicised to staff.
• Wages paid for standard working hours will meet or exceed national minimum wage or living wage levels as appropriate.
• All employees should be able to work in an environment that is free from discrimination, victimisation, harassment, bullying and that all employees should be treated fairly and with dignity.
• There is a clear policy for dealing with grievances detailed in the Employee Handbook.
The Employee Handbook is periodically reviewed and amended where appropriate to ensure that it continues to reflect best practice and legal requirements. Employees are expected to uphold these standards and are encouraged, via regular meetings, to raise issues and report suspected violations of applicable laws, regulations, and policies.
Our Suppliers
We strive to promote adherence to Human Rights principles detailed above throughout our supply chain via our Supply Chain Policy. We see our relationships with our suppliers as an opportunity to share best practice and through open communication, to promote mutual, continual learning and improvement with respect to human rights.
Our Customers
We are continually working to build and maintain relationships with organisations that share our commitment to upholding and implementing the fundamental principles of Human Rights and strive to promote best practice within our sphere of influence. We openly welcome inspection and auditing processes to ensure we continue to develop a robust and transparent Human Rights Policy.

Charlie Pragnell
Managing Director
George Pragnell Limited, Registered Office:
5-7 Wood Street, Straford-upon-Avon,
CV37 6JA. Telephone: (01789) 267 072
Registered No. 567166 England & Wales
5-7 Wood Street, Straford-upon-Avon, CV37 6JA. Telephone: (01789 267 072)
14 & 16 Mount Street, Mayfair, London, W1K 2RF. Telephone: (020) 7409 2845
23 & 25 Market Street, Leicester, LE1 6DN. Telephone: (0116) 255 4434
Email: [email protected]
Registered No: 567166 England & Wales
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